четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

VIC: Main stories in today s Melbourne newspapers = 2

AAP General News (Australia)
VIC: Main stories in today s Melbourne newspapers = 2


PAGE 1: A new poll suggests a republic could be within Australia's reach for the first
time; Backgrounds of Nazi scientists secretly brought to Australia may have been deliberately
covered-up to protect them from the federal government's war crimes unit; The wife of jail
Australian aid worker Steve Pratt has sent a plea to Serb leader Slobodan Milosevic to free
her husband.

PAGE 2: CityLink operators Transurban hint tolling could be delayed until September.

PAGE 3: Victoria may not release hospital data for a Senate inquiry into the nation's
health system; Australian Army joins search for four snowboarders missing in the Snowy
Mountains; Trial told of young Aboriginal boy being chased by a white man and hidden under a
blanket by relatives before being captured.

WORLD: Indonesian President BJ Habibie has warned against moves to break-up the country and
ruled out independence for any part of the country except East Timor; Russian jets and
helicopters resumed raids on three mountain villages in southern Russia where Islamic
militants have been entrenched for more than a week.

FINANCE: AMP threatens legal action against GIO directors and advisers after the revelation
that its 57 per cent-owned subsidiary would report a stunning $743 million after-tax loss for
the year to June; Media scion Lachlan Murdoch is moving his family's business back into
magazine publishing, launching a new company News Magazines; Production at Anaconda Nickel's
Murrin Murrin project will be unaffected by a major gas leak at the nickel-cobalt operation.

SPORT: Kangaroos set to become a quasi-Docklands club after their allocation of MCG games
was slashed from 13 to six in the interim draw for 2000; Hawthorn champion Chris Langford set
to become the AFL's youngest commissioner.

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