четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

VIC: Schizophrenic suicide rate jumps 400pc - report

VIC: Schizophrenic suicide rate jumps 400pc - report

MELBOURNE, Aug 5 AAP - The suicide rate for schizophrenics has jumped 400 per cent,according to a report released today by mental health charity SANE Australia.

The report also found that 84 per cent of Australians with schizophrenia who died lastyear took their own lives, SANE's executive director, Barbara Hocking, said.

"The report highlights a dangerous void in the treatment of people with mental illness,"

she said.

"Nearly two-thirds (of those with schizophrenia) do not receive any psychological treatmentand fewer than one

in five attend rehabilitation programs.

"This is inexcusable given the report's conclusion that people with schizophrenia are12 times more likely to die by suicide than the general population," said Ms Hocking.

The report, Schizophrenia Costs: An analysis of the burden of schizophrenia and relatedsuicide in Australia, was complied by Lynne Pezzullo, health analyst, Access Economics.

It found that in Australia, schizophrenia (not including the impact of suicide) posesa greater health burden to the community than major diseases such as ovarian cancer, epilepsy,rheumatoid arthritis or HIV/AIDs, and is of similar magnitude to leukemia and melanoma.

AAP ag/rs


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